• Why do dogs touch noses? Did you know that that this action – which has been observed between dogs and between dogs and other species – is something that can be ingrained (and should be) as a puppy.  This helps with socialization – especially with breeds that are known to be a bit nippy.  In addition, recent information the Mad Chatter found in Psychology Today is also interesting.  While nose touching is a lot about socialization, meeting and greeting and being an all around friendly pooch, there is, in fact, a question buried in this snout touching.  From research conducted in Zurich, it appears that nose touching also is asking the question – have you had any food and where can I get some.  Testing done indicates that a dog that has had a recent treat can pass this knowledge to a dog that has been out of the room – and that new dog will be able to then find the source of that food.  The Chatter’s dog was food motivated – but this is too much!!  Learn more by reading the Psychology Today article.
  • It has been eleven years since Hurricane Katrina hit the US and devastated New Orleans. Most people have heard about this tragic natural disaster and the horrible aftermath.  Did you know that a lot of good came out of this tragedy – for our pets?  Because of Hurricane Katrina and the loss of so many pets legislation was introduced – and passed almost unanimously – to change how animals are treated during disaster recovery.  The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act made it the law of the land that rescuers must help pets as well as humans.  In New Orleans, many owners were separated from their pets (and many remained behind because their pets were not going to be rescued with them) as rescuers would only take the humans.  This led to many tragic stories about pets being left behind and many of us saw pictures of hurt, terrified and in crisis animals during the storm’s aftermath.  One magnificent human, Charlotte Bass Lilly, turned this tragedy into a calling and a labor of love – read her amazing story (and what happened due to Katrina and because of Katrina) by clicking this link.  Sometimes it is amazing people who can change the world for those furry friends we hold so dear.