• From the “Life Goes On” Department: Apparently it is time to start thinking about returning to our non-summer routine.  Can it really be time to prepare for kids heading back to class?  Back to School represents one of the biggest changes in people’s lives.  Routines change, lives change, the number of people in your pack changes (the Mad Chatter’s better half is a pre-school director so we are used to these changes even though our nest is empty) and the lives of your pets will also change.  With shorter than human memories, the changes can be tough to handle – their world has been filled with all of their pack mates (mom, dad, human siblings in addition to their four-leg siblings) for the last three months and now they may go back to being alone during the day.  This can be stressful for them – and difficult for two-legged pack members who may be leaving for college or leaving for some other reason.  Since we sometimes take these things for granted, we wanted to remind everyone to remember how tough these changes can be.  A dog’s (or cat’s) best friend might be leaving to start a new segment of their life – and that will be tough on both parties.  Fortunately, there is a way for those separated best friends to “stay connected” – PetChatz. Smartphones are part of just about every departing student’s “Back to School” equipment (along with a tablet and/or computer) – what better way to keep that connection alive even when they can’t be together.  PetChatz currently has a $50 Back to School offer – use the coupon code BTSchool50 in our e-store to receive your discount.  Why wait? Your best friend and his or her human will thank you.  You can find the e-store here: PetChatz Store
  • From the “PetChatz in the Newz” Department: On July 9th the LA Times put together some of the best ways to engage with your pet – and PetChatz® made the list!  As regular readers of our blog will know, PetChatz has been fortunate to receive a lot of press coverage since we first hit the scene.  As we continue to grow, we continue to expand our reach.  We continue to improve (thanks to your feedback and support) and we seem to keep popping up on the radar screen of various outlets across the country.  Read the segment in the LA Times Home & Garden section.
  • From the “Pet and Human Interaction Department: Pet Anxiety – real or imagined? You have probably experienced some form of pet anxiety with your furry buddies – from irrational exuberance upon your return home to odd behavior (unwanted noise, destructive chewing, etc.).  Here is a bit of information on recognizing the symptoms and some things to do about it: Pet Anxiety