We are working on some BIG studies with our expert partners and will be providing updates in upcoming blogs.

If you have a question for our experts – please contact us at support@petchatz.com and we will get you answers!

In the meantime, here are some warm weather tips excerpted from The Bark (with some of our solutions referenced as well):

Playlist – Seven ways to carpe the summer diem.

  1. Make your dog a warm-weather flop spot: Look for a shady area in your yard, dig a shallow pit sized to fit your pup, line it with a thin layer of concrete and before the concrete dries, poke holes in it for drainage. Once the concrete has set, fill the pit with playground sand, dampen it and let the fun begin.
  2. Plan a toxin-free and dog-friendly landscape: No snail bait, no cocoa mulch, no lethal plants (check out the ASPCA list of plants to avoid), no chemical fertilizers, no fungicides, no herbicides, no pesticides. Ideal landscaping/hardscaping material that doesn’t get too hot, is easy on the paws and – in a perfect world – doesn’t track into the house on fuzzy feet; pea gravel and pavers fill the bill.
  3. Have some good, wet fun: Summer’s prime time for water play. A caveat, however: keep an eye on your dog for signs of hyponatremia, aka water intoxication, which can come on fast and is life-threatening. Bone up on the symptoms and make sure your dog takes breaks (click here for more information).
  4. Experiment with a new way to cruise: Rent a dog-friendly camper trailer or houseboat and see the world from a whole new perspective. Some camper rental companies will handle delivery, setup and hauling away; do an online search for a company in your preferred vacation spot.  For on-the-water accommodations, check out org.
  5. Take in a drive in: Remember the al fresco movie experience of yesteryear? Some communities revive this lovely summer tradition and some even allow you to skip the car and loll on a blanket under the stars. Search for summer + drive-in and see what comes up in your area.
  6. Sign up for summer school and learn: Learn new skills or master old ones. Training, agility, herding and freestyle are all on the agenda. Then, there are dog camps – the summer camps of your childhood but way better. For maximum relaxation, match the activity type and level to your dog’s temperaments.
  7. Mark your calendar with “dog days”, concerts and sporting events. Special offerings tend to pop up at this time of the year, perfect for enjoyment with the pooch. Check out this example from the St. Paul Saints – Go Mike Veeck!!! – Dog Days with The St. Paul Saints.

Excerpted from The Bark – Summer 2016 Edition