Our Amazing Petz (and People)

  • Pets in the Military (Current Edition). Modern military dogs perform a variety of tasks with and for their handlers.  There is a special bond between the handler and the dog – one that sometimes transcends the spoken word.  Essentially, today’s war dogs are “search and rescue” on a variety of fronts.  From finding casualties to finding – and warning about – mines, IED’s and other explosives to drug and bomb sniffing (more domestic use for sure – but the training is similar).  There are approximately 2,500 trained war dogs today of which 700+ are deployed overseas.  Interested in learning more?  There is an entire group dedicated to this area of the military:  http://www.uswardogs.org/
  • Pets in the Military (Nostalgia Edition). Dogs have been part of military campaigns going back to Roman and other historical times. For the US, dogs have been active in almost every major pets-in-the-militaryconflict going back to the Revolutionary War.  From sentry duty to morale raising, these animals have become an integral part of the war effort.  Sadly, until about the year 2000, war dogs were considered expendable after their service. So – are there other famous war dogs?  You bet – here are five that are looked on as great examples of how bipeds and dogs interact during conflicts: Let slip the dogs of war